October is here, leaves on the trees have already turned reddish and brown, and I have already started to try new autumn soups. Yes, my dear Friends, Homme Sweeet Homme doesn’t just BAKE ( – :
One of the ingredients I use the most in soups is carrots, I love them. Talking about love, while linking love to the other Brussels Food Friends I have noticed that carrots can be used in so many different ways!
- Vanevalentine Food uses carrots to make some healthy veggie burgers
- Real Simple Food makes soft and chic financiers with carrots
- Saveurs Croisées gives to carrots a summer look
- BoBo Brussels marries speculoos and carrots for a delicate and very special soup
- Bombay Bruxelles makes even a sweet dessert with carrots.
So many ideas! I have already tried BoBo Brussels’ recipe, I cannot wait to try all the others, and you?
BTW, I’ll leave you now, I have to go out there and look for a man who could match Bombay Bruxelles’ recipe. Stay tuned ( – :
Eva from Homme Sweeet Homme bakes virtual men, it’s her sweeet and spicy revenge on their bitter behavior…each man will be identified by his initials or by a nickname and, if he reads his story, sure as hell he will recognize himself