Follow Them Friday: Salima of Parts de Plaisir

Our 34th “Follow them Friday” features Salima of Parts de Plaisir blogging in French. When did you start blogging? 2010 How did you decide on the name of your blog? I wanted people to feel like I was sharing with them slices of what I was cooking and feel all the love…

Follow Them Friday: Els of Njamelicious

Our 33rd “Follow them Friday” features Els of Njamelicious blogging in Dutch & English. When did you start blogging? The blog originated from 2011 when I was starting up my business. My sister Iris introduced me into blogging and we started our own blog. “Njamelicious” became the name of my…

Follow Them Friday: Sylvain of Un peu Gay Dans Les Coings

Our 32nd “Follow them Friday” features Sylvain of Un peu Gay dans les Coings blogging in French.   When did you start blogging? 5 years ago How did you decide on the name of your blog? Not sure exactly, I’m gay and I love quinces, so it started from that…

Follow them Friday: Merel of Blackbird in Brussels

Our 31st “Follow them Friday” features Merel of Blackbird in Brussels  blogging in English. When did you start blogging? April 27th, 2014 How did you decide on the name of your blog? My first name, Merel, is also the Dutch word for ‘blackbird’. And because the blog mainly features things to…

Follow Them Friday: Sophia of Real Simple Food

Our 30th “Follow them Friday” features Sophia of Real Simple Food blogging in English. When did you start blogging? I tentatively started blogging almost 4 years ago but only decided to have a serious go at it with regular posts just over 2 years ago in June 2012. How did…

Follow them Friday: Michelle of Very Hungry Explorer

Our 29th “Follow them Friday” features Michelle of Very Hungry Explorer blogging in English. When did you start blogging? I wrote my first post back in 2009, but my blog was VERY different back then! I don’t have that post published anymore. How did you decide on the name of your blog?…

Follow them Friday: Kimbylicieux

Our 28th “Follow them Friday” features Kimbylicieux blogging in French. When did you start blogging? January 2012. I started to blog for “myself” and my closest ones, I didn’t really plan to make it public Do you prefer eating in or eating out? Joker: both! After a long working day I’m…

Follow them Friday: The Brusselsprouts

Our 27th “Follow them Friday” features Sara & Anita of The Brusselsprouts blogging in English. When did you start blogging? We started blogging over a year ago. How did you decide on the name of your blog? We were chilling in the Cinquantenaire, gossiping about the blogosphere and decided it would…

Follow them Friday: Carry it Like Harry

Our 26th “Follow them Friday” features Carry it like Harry blogging in English. When did you start blogging? Probably about 4-5 years ago. I started blogging after seeing that my recipe scrapebook was a complete mess. I am a digital strategist in my day job, so making sites are part and parcel…

Follow them Friday: Sarah’s Kitchen

Our 25th “Follow them Friday” features Sarah’s Kitchen blogging in English. When did you start blogging? I started blogging on the 21st February 2014. That was the day I decided to start blogging about my food. I don’t know why but I just felt like it was time to do so….